NYPA hydropower and funding programs are available to support the growth of jobs and capital investment in New York State.

As part of our commitment to supporting growth, development and innovation across New York, NYPA provides grants and low-cost power to eligible organizations. Listed below are some of the programs that support economic growth and clean energy in New York State.

Our team is available to discuss which program or grant is available for you.  We recommend that our customers talk with us in the early planning stages. 

Contact us for more information.

New York State | Northern New York | Western New York

New York State
Hydropower (ReCharge, Western NY Hydropower, Preservation Power)

NYPA offers economic development hydropower to eligible businesses. Learn more about Western NY Hydropower, Northern NY Preservation Power, and our statewide ReCharge NY programs.

Industrial Economic Development Program (IEDP)

The Industrial Economic Development Program (IEDP) is 54 MW of low-cost hydropower generated at NYPA’s Niagara Power Project available to eligible municipal and rural electric cooperative systems, served by NYPA, for allocation to new or expanding businesses as an incentive to locate in their service area.

Project criteria:

• Located within a NYPA-served municipal or rural electric cooperative system’s service territory.

• Results in at least 100 kilowatts of new electric load.

• Demonstrates long-term commitment to the region through job creation and planned capital investment in development or expansion of a facility.

• Project expected to be completed within three (3) years after allocation approval.

• Subject to a 5 MW hydropower maximum per electric utility system.

Do I qualify for the IEDP?

This program is limited to eligible municipal and rural electric cooperatives served by NYPA.

Contact us for more information about the IEDP.

Northern New York
Hydropower (Preservation Power)

NYPA offers low-cost hydropower to eligible businesses for impactful projects. These low-cost hydropower programs are available on a regional basis. For companies in the Northern NY counties of Franklin, Jefferson & St. Lawrence Counties, NYPA offers Preservation Power.

Learn about ReCharge NY and Western NY Hydropower programs in other areas of NY.

Northern NY Power Proceeds | North NY Economic Development Fund (NNYEDF)

The Northern NY Power Proceeds Allocation Board (NNYPPAB) considers applications from eligible applicants for awards from the Northern NY Economic Development Fund (NNYEDF) to support impactful economic development projects in St. Lawrence County. Allocation Board recommendations are approved by the NYPA Board of Trustees for funding.

Learn about Northern NY Power Proceeds.

Greater Massena Economic Development Fund (GMEDF)

The Greater Massena Economic Development Fund is a revolving loan fund established by NYPA and administered by the St. Lawrence County Industrial Development Agency, as an incentive for eligible businesses to locate or expand their operations in the Town of Massena and St. Lawrence County.

For more information, visit: Greater Massena EDF - St. Lawrence County IDA

North Country Economic Development Fund (NCEDF)

The North Country Economic Development Fund is a $10 million revolving loan fund administered by the Development Authority of the North Country that provides loans to eligible businesses expanding their facilities and creating or retaining jobs in the region. It offers financing for eligible projects located in Jefferson, Lewis, St. Lawrence, Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Hamilton and Herkimer Counties, and the portion of the Akwesasne Mohawk Reservation located within New York State.

For details, click the NCEDF link on DANC - Development Authority of the North Country - Business Development Funding Programs

St. Lawrence River Valley Redevelopment Agency (RVRDA)

RVRDA is a joint action agency of St. Lawrence County, the four communities of Lisbon, Louisville, Massena and Waddington, and the SLC Industrial Development Agency Local Development Corporation to administer funds established and set aside by NYPA for economic development activities and programs. Learn more at St. Lawrence River Valley Redevelopment Agency - St. Lawrence County IDA (slcida.com)

Western New York
Hydropower (Western NY Hydropower)

NYPA offers hydropower to eligible businesses. These low-cost hydropower programs are available on a regional basis. For companies located in Western NY, NYPA offers Western NY Hydropower.

For companies located outside Western NY, learn about ReCharge NY and NNY Preservation Power programs.

Western NY Power Proceeds | Western NY Economic Development Fund (WNYEDF)

The Western New York Power Proceeds Allocation Board (WNYPPAB) reviews applications for funds to support eligible costs and capital investment for economic development projects within a 30-mile radius of the Niagara Power Project. The WNYPPAB then makes recommendations to the NYPA Board of Trustees to approve funding from the Western New York Economic Development Fund (WNYEDF).

Learn about the Western NY Proceeds application process.

Niagara Economic Development Fund

The Niagara Economic Development Fund is a revolving loan fund established in 1990 to improve Niagara County's economic climate by providing loans for the establishment, maintenance or expansion of plants, facilities, or operations in Niagara County. The Niagara County Development Corporation ("NCDC"), a not-for-profit under New York State Corporation Law, acts as Administrator and Trustee of the Fund.

Learn more: www.niagaracountybusiness.com

Allocation Boards
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